Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Invitation to Practical Matters

Dry erase markers, a mirror & scripture

Hi folks!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading, for allowing me to build the back story as best I could and as the Lord led, and for understanding I have no clue what I am doing. Thank you also for your patience as I settle into a rhythm for writing that is comfortable and not sacrificial to the ever present needs of my little family, particularly as I grow and learn to become a more active rather than passive parent. 

I never intended for this to turn into anything but me trying to make sense of what is now my everyday existence -- because trust me -- I could have never come up with this material on my own.  I'm not even a writer.

And if you are skeptical, thank you too for visiting and reading the words I never -- listen -- in my wildest dreams ever thought I would write.  If you have been judged and mistreated by those who call themselves Christians, I am sorry for that, I truly am.  The one thing that has stuck out to me the most is how even as a non Christian, I always knew -- I knew -- just like you might know-- that the people who treat you that way and use God, just know they are trying to fill the same hole you have.  No one likes to feel empty. Depeche Mode said it best: People Are People, and people are broken. Some people use people.  Some people become self righteous.  Some folks use drugs.  Become enslaved to online gaming or porn.  But in that there's one thing in common:  neither camp has ever experienced Grace -- God's riches at Christ's expense-- because if you have, by golly, you can share it.


It is encouraging to see the traffic to this site and to hear the stories of how this blog speaks to you.  I would like to encourage comments and feedback.  Please, feel free to send me an email with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

It is evident lots of people  are reading this blog, and I encourage you also to either become a fan/follower or to sign up via email.  Some people have asked how to do this and since I myself am not the best with computers, I am sensitive to your questions -- both of those options are available to you in the column on the right.  Also, if you feel led to share this blog, please do. Use your social media, Facebook, Twitter, your email contacts, whomever -- what I have learned in this as the story of the Russian at Wal Mart demonstrates:  You never know who this will touch.

If you choose to remain anonymous that's cool too. You can do that by signing up via email.  I have no idea who registers.  And if there's a way, I haven't  figured it out yet.

Again, thank you for following, for reading these sometimes long sentences and even longer entries.  Apparently, as someone recently told me, it is worth taking the time to read.  She said she gets so caught up in the everyday, these stories somehow bring her back, and in each one she told me there has been something that applies to her own life, either via the story or the links or videos, and she thanked me for doing this.

God's timing is perfect -- perfect -- and today I heard something in my study of Ruth I shall share for those of you who have ears to hear:  You may be in church, in your bible study, but perhaps your heart is in Moab. But Naomi went back to Bethlehem, where the famine had ended, bringing with her a Moabite woman.  As Driscoll points out, that is like an African American woman in the Jim Crow south finding herself a real nice church filled with white folk.  Risky.  Scary.  People may even fight you, resist you, hurt you -- but all are welcome.  I don't know if you are Naomi and left God's blessing or Ruth, who never knew God, but dropped all in blind faith to know Him.  In that risk, she met Boaz, and was placed in the lineage of Jesus, as the great grandmother of King David.

 For those of you who don't think you deserve a love like this -- let me share this with you. 

Today's Godwink?  Even before I knew Him, even when I HATED him -- I HATED him -- I probably would have spit on Jesus at some point if ever I saw him in the flesh -- he protected me in ways I am just coming to understand.  Why?  He had already picked me and get this -- loved me enough to  guard my mind and my heart when I was unable.

I also want to thank you for this opportunity because through it God is teaching me so much.  I thank Him for the opportunity to grow in humility, first and foremost, because as Cate Blanchett said in my other favorite movie Elizabeth, "This is the Lord's doing."

Amelie's learning with me
There's so much more to come.  Everyday since July 14th 2011 has been like being on a never ending roller coaster and happily I can barely hold onto my seat.  It has been elating, scary, threatening, calm, tender, lonely, dark, risky, so bright I'm blinded, I've cried, exhausting, busy, a whirlwind, circular, did I say scary?numbing, hurtful, beautiful, weighty, and even grave.  But most of all -- its been the best ride of my life.

And in the next entry, I will be strapped in, respectfully, right next to the Professor, James.  The one after that -- well, you'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I am broken, humbled, so blessed day in so many ways. One...Jesus chose this wreck of a girl and died for me and two because He crossed our paths to bring me back to remember what it was like to remember my first love. I thank God for the tapestry He is weaving in my live and your threads will be woven all through it by His hands. I needed this so much today as I so longed to hear and be reminded OH HOW MUCH HE LOVES ME....ME. EVEN ME.
